121 Coaching 6 month Accelerator Programme From £4,000 + VAT
This is ideal for service-based business owners like coaches, mentors and consultants that want to be selling more but find it hard to find and sign more clients.
You have made some money in your business but ideally want to price your offering and sell it so you can breakthrough £5K months.
We work 121 together every single week on the areas of selling and marketing that are stopping you from making more money.
By the end of our time together you will have:
A strong compelling offering at a price that you enjoy selling at.
Confident in explaining and positioning your offering.
Gain 1-2 strategies to find your clients.
More sales conversations and practice your sales skills to get more decisions and 70%+ conversions.
Develop a process so all the above can happen on repeat putting you back in control of how you find and sign clients.
A better relationship with sales so you feel more confident and I guarantee you will get your ROI over a 6 month period of time.
Book in your free consultation call to find out what is causing your current results, we will figure out what isn’t working, what needs to change and you will get an offer of how we can work together
to action that!

Bespoke Sales Training Packages
From £8,000 + VAT
This is ideal if you have a sales team of 4-6 people and would like to increase your overall sales results such as.
Increased revenue and profit, so conversations are not centred around price. (average rate is 20-30% increase)
Objections are explored further so your conversion rate is increased (average rate is increased to 70%+)
New business opportunities and leads increased (average rate is 20-30% more leads)
As a business owner you often overhear sales conversations that are short, transactional, lacklustre and end way too soon with
phrases like – just let me know, I will leave it with you, or I will call back in a few weeks – very vague and that is what hurts your sales.
It is likely your team need some help with –
How to qualify in your better clients who want to move away from being a transaction and want a relationship based approach.
How to become more customer focused without being too aggressive or passive with customer enquiries.
Questioning skills to better understand the needs of your clients.
How to position the benefits of your products and services so the value is up front and centre.
Acknowledge how their own thinking around selling impacts the sales outcome.
Making assumptions and agreeing with clients rational as to why they cannot buy.
They are unsure of what is really being said, so conversations end too quickly, or are unfinished and left hanging in no man’s land.
This is all really common, but also easy to fix as long as your team are open to change and being coached then results can happen within 4-6 weeks
Through a mixture of group training days and individual coaching sessions to give a robust and repeatable outcome.
ROI from your investment is guaranteed when you work with me over a minimum of 6 months.
Rates are tailored and flexible to your companies’ operational needs. Find out how it could all work for you and your team.

Fill in the form below to join the wait list and get exclusive early bird offers.

The best thing about Helen’s ‘Sales Through Service’ training courses were the practical tools she provided to make a marketing campaign client focused. I have changed the angle of my social media posts as a direct result of Helen’s teaching and am already reaping rewards with paid work and getting some strategic partners in place.
In addition, Helen’s training style is very down to Earth and approachable allowing participants to engage readily with the content.
I would recommend Helen’s training courses – what have you got to lose, and what might you gain?
R Gristwood

Helen was a great support and gave me some fantastic help and advice. Helen has helped me implement a better process when it comes to customer service in turn making me more customer-focused. (After I already thought I was) The results that I have seen from Helen’s training has really made an impact on my business, turnover is up and we now have a better customer process in place meaning both me and my clients have a better understanding and more confidence at each and every stage of their investment.
Thank you Helen
Tim Lees – Director - Performance Blinds

Helen was just Fab to work with, very dedicated to our training sessions and she gave great value. There was a great understanding of the sales process, this has made me more deliberate in my approach and my sales activities have increased. This has meant that opportunities are converting a lot quicker now rather than sitting on a bunch of leads and not knowing what to do with them. I now feel much more confident in achieving the revenue needed to hire my first sales professional. Thanks Helen I can't wait for you to start work with the team!
Ola - Business Owner at Ripples Custom Designs and Prints
"Thanks to Helen, in literally the space of a month I’ve gone from having no concrete leads and no confidence to potentially working with 3 big regional law and HR companies. Plus, I’ve got 2 more big conversations in the pipeline, a black book of potential contacts that I’m now excited about reaching out to and a potential income in the last 3 months of this year that will be more than I’ve earned in the first 9 months combined!"
Sarah Coulson - Founder - Halcyon Therapies Endometriosis Specialists